====== Downloads ====== ===== FSFO 1.2.16 ===== This is the final version of the old FSFO next for msfs which will work with the pmdg. {{fsfo_next_1.2.16.1.zip|Download}} ===== Fs Tramp 840 ===== This program requires a key to unlock it once downloaded. 840 is an older version but has several benefits. It does not have the moving map traffic display which helps with lag. It allows for the external MSFS application to be used with p3d which also makes the use of the application much faster. It is the version that has been tested with the free aircraft that we recommend also. {{fstramp840.zip|Download}} ===== First officer pro 2.04 ===== This is the older version of first officer which requires a key once downloaded. This older version whilst retaining functionality does allow for the use of the read only box to view what tasks the first officer is performing at the time. It also allows for the use of the no smoking signs to mute the mic which can be assigned to a joystick button within the simulator if you so wish. {{fsfo_prof.zip|Download}} ===== First officer light ===== This program requires a paid key once downloaded. {{fsfo_light.zip|Download}} ===== Free FS RAS program ===== This program allows for the runway awareness system within p3d, fsx and possibly fs2020 although not tested. You need to unzip to a location of choice and place the r4.csv file into the route of the folder which is produced after running makerunways . You then run the program when the sim is running to receive audable callouts. The ini also allowes for adjustment. {{fsraas20.zip|Download}}